13 October 2020

BESIX Group is a signatory of the Belgian Alliance for Climate Action

On Monday 12 October 2020, the non-governmental organisations The Shift and WWF Belgium announced the launch of the Belgian Alliance for Climate Action. BESIX Group is one of its 53 signatories.

The signatory members of the Belgian Alliance for Climate Action are thereby aligning their activities with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, i.e. to limit the rise in global temperature to a maximum of 1.5°C.

These objectives will be in line with the Science Based Targets (SBT) developed by the WWF and the United Nations Global Compact, among others.

BESIX Group is particularly pleased to participate in the Belgian Alliance for Climate Action. We are determined, and this initiative will help us, to contribute to the objectives of the Paris Agreement and to effectively tackle climate change. The business world is part of the solution. The Belgian Alliance for Climate Action complements our existing actions in the field of construction, aiming to design and build increasingly sustainable buildings and infrastructure, including through the development and use of new technologies and innovative materials. It also fits perfectly with BESIX's purpose: Excel in creating sustainable solutions for a better world.

For more information, please refer to the press release issued by The Shift and WWF Belgium to which BESIX Group adheres.